Thursday, September 27, 2007

Best Baby Products

I started thinking about my post last week regarding the customer service we received from the company that publishes the sleep book. Lots of people have asked us what products we would recommend to new parents as "must have" items. The four items I'm showing here are absolute essentials for us.

The Happiest Baby on the Block DVD - unbelievable success using his methods for calming fussy babies. It really does work like magic.

Miracle Blanket - we tried other swaddling blankets but this one works the best (and you need a swaddling blanket for a happy baby!)

Baby Einstein Activity Center - we call it the excersaucer but whatever. Bailey loves playing in this thing and it keeps her interest for a long time!

Fisher Price Swing - we got the aquarium version that is now discontinued. We didn't like the swing at first because we thought it swung too fast. That was before we learned that babies like the most aggressive swinging available. Rookie mistake. We love the swing now!!

If you need to buy a baby gift for someone or something for your grandkids, etc. - check these out.

1 comment:

james said...

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