Monday, October 1, 2007

Being a Parent is Hard....

As a veteran parent of more than 8 months, I can now say for sure that being a parent is harder than I thought it would be. It gives me new appreciation for what my own parents went through raising 3 kids (granted I was a really good kid that presented very few problems).

This latest illness with Bailey has had us out driving her around trying to get her back to sleep at midnight and, last night, had Britney sleeping in a recliner in her room because she's waking up so frequently. I feel bad for both of them (Bailey and Britney). Today, I'm at work and I see this article:

Couple that with the whole vaccinations lead to autism debate (read more about that here: and I'm left scratching my head over what we are SUPPOSED to do. You obviously want to do the right thing for your child - but that's harder than it sounds!!

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