Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'll Never Pay for Long Distance Again

I did a post a couple of weeks ago recommending Google's latest acquisition - GrandCentral.com. If you didn't read that post, you can take a look at it HERE.

I've been thinking about GrandCentral since then - trying to figure out what, if anything, I could do with this kind of service. As a refresher, they give you a phone number and you can give that number out and your calls to that number will automatically be forwarded to any number you designate. Well - after a couple of weeks of thinking about it - I've figured out how that I can use a service like this.

Here's my plan. Anytime I need to call someone long distance, I simply go to GrandCentral first and enter the long distance phone I'm trying to call there. Then - when I call my OWN GrandCentral number (the number that got assigned to me when I signed up) my call will auto-forward to the long distance number of the person I'm trying to call. I've called a local number (my GrandCentral phone number is a local Charlotte number) and the service does the forwarding - so no long distance fees for me!

Give it a try! You can still sign up with the link in my earlier post.

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