Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thirteen Thoughts: My Greatest Hits

I meant to do this post a few weeks ago when we finally hit 2,500 page views here but time got away from me and I didn't get to it. I've got a couple of tools on this site that let me know where people that visit the site are coming from, whether or not the links I post get clicked on, etc. The tools also tell me what posts are the most popular posts on the site. There are four or five of my posts that get clicked on MUCH more than any of the others. I suppose it's because they turn up more prominently in Google searches or something like that. Nonetheless, I've been surprised by which pages are the most popular - as they're often not the ones I think people will be as interested in or they're ones I've posted just on a whim. Without further adieu, here are my "Greatest Hits" after 2,750 page views:

So - that's it - the top 5 posts since I started this blog. Weird - none of my ideas on money saving or shopping or cool websites. Just random stuff. Any ideas on why these would be more popular than the others?

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