Tuesday, December 4, 2007

BlogRush - My New Widget

You may have noticed that I have a new widget in my right hand navigation bar. I'm talking about the little reddish box that says "From the Blogosphere". It's replaced the pictures of Bailey. I did that for a couple of reasons. One - this little box is supposed to serve up targeted content that might be of interest to readers of this blog. Two - it, theoretically, publishes some of my postings in a little box displayed on somebody elses website, thereby sending more people to my blog (so far - 1 additional visitor!). Third - I realized that I'm probably starting to get readers that have no idea who Bailey is so I figured posts/content about interesting topics might be more interesting than pictures of a baby in a bee suit.

So - if you were wondering what that thingy is - that's the answer. If you have your own blog, you can try it out too. Go HERE.

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