Thursday, December 13, 2007

More Politics: Find Out Who's Lying

I believe that, unfortunately, almost every politician on the national stage is willing to lie to get elected. Sometimes it's well intentioned lies and other times it's flat out smear tactics - but a lie is a lie. Fortunately for us, there are people out there that dedicate more time than you or I have to tracking down who's doing the lying and what the truth is. is a site sponsored by the St. Petersburg Times and it stays on top of the lies being told by the candidates. It covers lies told in speeches (like the one Tom Tancredo told about the cost of illegal immigration), lies told by one candidate about another (like the one about John Edwards not being a populist told by Obama), and also breaks down all the questionable statements made by the candidates by category (immigration, abortion, etc.).

So - the next time you hear one candidate accuse another of something or you hear a candidate make some random statement about the cost of this or that, head over to and see if they're telling the truth or not!

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