Monday, December 10, 2007

NBA Team Names - What Could Have Been

I am not a huge NBA fan. I watch Charlotte's games when there is nothing else on (meaning no other sporting events) - but I would definitely not say I'm a fanatic. I am, however, excited about some of the upcoming games this week. The highlights include:

Charlotte Spirit vs. Milwaukee Skunks
Minnesota Polars vs. Orlando Juice
Miami Suntan vs. Memphis Express
Phoenix Dust Devils vs. Portland Chinooks

If those names are unfamiliar to you, it's because those were all franchise names that were NOT chosen when these teams came into existance. I remember well the public uproar over the name Charlotte Spirit. The original proposed colors were red, white, and blue and the mascot was going to be some kind of ghost. It was so lame. All of the names here are pretty bad - probably why they weren't chosen. The Orlando Juice ended up being used later by a team in the short lived Senior League (baseball league filled with 50 year old ex-big leaguers - I remember that too).

You can read more about how team names came to be HERE, HERE, and HERE.

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