Friday, February 1, 2008

Coolest Guest Speaker EVER!

I've already confessed my rock and roll dreams to the readers of this blog, so today's confession just takes things one step further. I'll confess that the guys in the picture were and still are my all time favorite band. Make fun of me if you like - but Stryper holds a place in my heart that no other artist will ever touch. I realize that the outfits are a bit ridiculous in hind sight and that a couple of these guys look like girls - but that's beside the point. This band represented everything I ever wanted to be when I was 16 AND they were Christians too. Somebody says that Christians don't have long hair or listen to heavy metal - BOOM - I pull the Stryper out on them and the argument ends right there. Don't think I haven't had that conversation about 30 times in my life. My friend David Yougblood even caught one of the Bibles they threw out at a show once. It was totally awesome.

So...imagine how excited I would've been if the following clip had occured at MY high school. The best speaker we ever got was the guy that played Cooter on 'The Dukes of Hazard'. That was lame. This, however, would have been unbelievable:

Ladies and Gentlemen - may I present Stryper guitarist Oz Fox LIVE from the Home Economics room!


Scott said...


Anonymous said...

"These go to 11."

Unknown said...

If you were a REAL fan, they would have been the entertainment at Bailey's 1st Birthday party.