Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Social Lending - Status Update

As I said in my post last week, my online savings accounts are rapidly dropping their rates in response to the Fed's interest rate cuts. My BEST rate is now all the way down to 4.1% over at ETrade. So - in search of higher rates, I decided to pursue the social lending angle. You can read more about what that is here.

Here's where things stand so far. I decided to go to (primarily because I was already a member and had the bank account money transfer already set up) and I deposited $500.00. My criteria for making a loan was that I would not go below an A credit rating (AA is the highest and it goes A-B-C-D-E from there), I would only lend to people that owned a home, and I would lend in $50.00 increments. That essentially means that I would fund 10 loans. All loans at Prosper are 3 year loans.

I've got to admit - I'm very pleased with the results thus far. Across the 10 loans I've bid on, my average interest rate for the whole suite of loans is 19.89%. I realize that this is a riskier investment - but my lending standards are pretty high (high credit rating, home ownership, no defaults in the past 7 years, etc.) so I feel like the odds of borrowers defaulting is pretty low. In fact, if two of the ten loans default (which would mean now I'm only earning 19.89% on $400), I would still come out ahead of any investment of $500 earning less than 11.3% interest and there's none of those out there right now!! If three loans default, I'm ahead of any $500 investment earning less than 6.5% interest - also almost impossible to find right now.

I'm feeling pretty good at this point. Not good enough to move more cash into play at this point - but I may be doing so in the near future if the payments all start pouring in on time!

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