Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Friday Night Lights - There's More You Can Do

The campaign to save Friday Night Lights looks like it's picking up some momentum around the internet. There are rumors out there that the show may be moved to one of NBC's affiliate networks (Bravo, USA, etc.) rather than completely cancelled. That's fine with me as long as the show isn't taken off the air.

SaveFridayNightLights.TV has another campaign going - one that proved effective last year when fans saved 'Jericho' from cancellation by CBS. Jericho fans contributed money and bombarded CBS headquarters with packages of peanuts (why peanuts? I really don't know). In similar fashion, this website is collecting PayPal donations and will be sending 6-inch plastic footballs to NBC with 'Save Friday Night Lights' printed on them. Take a look at the site and give a little money. So far, they've got enough to send nearly 2100 footballs!

FYI - you can make a PayPal donation via credit card even if you don't have a PayPal account!

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