Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Fight the Addiction

I don't know exactly what's going on with my lips these days but I'm having the hardest time keeping them from peeling/cracking/etc. Winter is usually bad but this winter has been worse than any other for me. I've already gone through about 5 tubes of lip balm since the end of November but, after watching this video from CBS News, I think I may be making the problem worse.

If you don't want to watch the video, here's the synopsis. Lip balm can be completely addicting. People get addicted to the sensation of having something on their lips, to the tingling sensation that some balms give, etc. The doctor in the clip recommends avoiding any lip balm that contains camphor, menthol, phenol, salicylic acid, or flavorings. Anything that makes your lips tingle is going to eventually serve as a drying agent rather than a moisturizer (I did not know that!). I put Mentholatum on my lips every night before bed - that might be part of my problem.

If you feel like you need to moisturize your lips, the doctor recommends using Vasoline (petroleum jelly), wax, aloe, vitamin E, or lanolin. We recently bought some petroleum jelly/lanolin ointment for Bailey so maybe I'll try that. Nevertheless, it's time to break the addiction!

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