Thursday, January 10, 2008

One Good Thing about the TV Writers Strike

I'll admit it - this tv writers strike is starting to bug me. The ads that are starting to run for the upcoming 'reality' shows are pretty bad. I'm not the least bit interested in shows about dancing teams, choirs, or lie detector tests. I am, however, interested in seeing my favorite show, Friday Night Lights, survive the strike and make it to a 3rd season.

According to this article in Variety magazine, I may be in luck. Apparently 'Friday Night Lights' had more shows filmed than most others so, once everybody else goes to reruns or horrible reality shows, Lights will still be airing new shows and attracting new viewers. The move to Friday night also looks to be working to the show's advantage as it now consistenly wins in its time slot and also is now the most watched drama by households making over $100K.

If you're not watching it - you're missing out!!

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