Friday, January 25, 2008

One Month Coupon Strategy

My wife just sent me a really interesting link to a posting over at The Simple Dollar. The post is about a new strategy for using coupons. Here is the LINK.

The basic premise is that coupons are issued by companies as the first step in a product push. After the coupon comes out, the company waits a few weeks and then puts the item on sale (to try and induce a repeat purchase) - the second step in the product push. Knowing this, your best strategy for using coupons is to simply pull the coupon section out of your Sunday paper and then sit on them for one month. In a month's time, clip the coupons that you're interested in and head to the stores. There's a high probability that the items that you have coupons for will now be on sale as the company is now in the second phase of the product push. Combining the store's sale price with your coupon can often mean walking out of the store with HUGE savings!

Great post and great idea. Read for yourself!

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