Friday, January 11, 2008

Website Recommendation: Handy Magazine

As I've stated before, I'm not particularly handy. Because of said deficiency, if there's something that needs to get done around my house (and Britney doesn't know how to do it), we're either calling her step-dad or looking it up online to figure out how it's done. The site I'm recommending today, Handy Magazine, is a really good site for doing just that - finding out how to get things done.

The 'magazine' is really an online magazine/site that features a whole database of projects with step by step pictures to guide you along the way. It also has good forums where you can post specific questions and have people who actually ARE handy answer them. There are member reviews of products too - so you know which brand of multi-purpose vise is worth buying.

So - next time you need to get something done around the house, check out this site and you may find some tips, time-savers, or better ways to get it done. Enjoy.

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