Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Another Trip Down Memory Lane: WishBookWeb.com

One of the problems I have with the web is that it likes to eat up all my time. I'll stumble across a website and start looking around and the next thing I know, 3 hours have gone by. WishBookWeb.com is that kind of site.

As a kid, my Christmas list was created by sitting down with the Sears or Penny's catalog and dog-earing page after page of toys, Dallas Cowboys stuff, etc. WishBookWeb.com is a site that contains the entire contents of many of those catalogs. The site owners have taken great detail to take the catalogs apart and scan in each and every page - meaning you can thumb through the entire 1979 (and many other years) Sears catalog on the site. Just looking at some of this stuff brings back the memories. It's pretty funny to see the technology in some of these catalogs too. If you have several hours to kill, give it a look!

Oh yeah - that picture of the boy in the Cowboys jacket - I had that exact getup (hat and all). I remember watching the NFC Championship in 1982 when the Cowboys lost to the 49ers on Dwight Clark's famous catch. I got so upset after that game that I took a magic marker and drew tear drops on the little Cowboys patch. Similarly, last week after the Cowboys lost to the Giants, I drew tear drops on one of my suit coats.


Zack R said...

Not surprising. Dallas Cowboys are prone to fits of weeping:

Cry Baby

Betsy said...

I remember that get up!